I don't know Thai language, but according to my understanding, they want to show that Thai land today is lost some part of their country during past and influenced by colonialism.
I feel very hurtful.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Seam are cheating.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
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Thursday, June 25, 2009
Transformers 3 - Sequel Plans
There has been much Transformers 3 talk in the last few days, so what has been said and what could we expect from a sequel?
Transformers 3 hasn’t been officially announced but we all know it’s coming, and Michael Bay said on the red carpet this week that if it’s given the go ahead he will do it, despite recent rumors to the contrary. The dispute will likely come down to when it happens. “You’ve got to give it some time, I need a little rest,” said Bay. Indeed when Paramount and Dreamworks annouced last month that they had already set a release date - July 1, 2011 - Bay reacted angrily and demanded it be placed a year later.
Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox have both said they would like to return, as long as there is some sort of break in between. LaBeouf has his take on where Transformers 3 would go, “I think it will be darker, something crazy will happen, somebody’s got to die,” he said. “First movie the war was on our turf, the second was international, I think the next will be more of an intergalactic thing.”
You won’t be seeing it in 3-D. Earlier this year Bay called the technology a “gimmick” and said it wouldn’t feature in the next Transformers because it’s too constraining for his run-and-gun style of filmmaking. Shame.
As for the Dinobots, Bay wasn’t keen on getting them into the second movie but the search is always on for fresh territory and they’re running out of obvious new directions. The writers, if they stay on, say they would like to get the Dinobots in. Personally I think a few defective autobots scanning displays in a natural history museum will take care of the origins, it’s not difficult.
The writers have also expressed a strong interest in Galvatron (the ‘re-born’ form of a destroyed Megatron) and Unicron (the planet-sized transformer from the original animated movie) although the latter obviously presents a huge logistical problem - how is Shia LaBeouf going to battle an enemy the size of a planet?
What do you want to see happen in Transformers 3? Should Michael Bay direct? Which new characters do you want to see? Leave your plot ideas in the comments.
0 comments • at 6:04 AMThursday, June 11, 2009
Can You Make Money Online from Twitter?
Written by Trent Brownrigg · June 4, 2009
If you aren’t on Twitter yet then you are one of the few people who aren’t, and if you have never heard of Twitter then you must have been living in a jungle cave for the past year or two. Every internet marketer I know is on Twitter and it seems like that’s all any of them can talk about these days. But does anyone actually make money from Twitter? Have you?
I have been on Twitter for a while now and I have yet to see how you can really make money from it even though everyone keeps talking about how great it is for business. Don’t go thinking I am some newbie that doesn’t know anything either because I definitely am not. I have been an internet marketer successfully making money online for over 6 years.
Sure, I’ve heard a few stories here and there of people who have used certain methods to make money on Twitter, but they are few and far between. And even those “success stories” are usually only small sums of money. Plus, when you consider the excessive amounts of time most people spend on Twitter to make that little bit of money, you could utilize several other marketing techniques to achieve better results in the same amount of time.
Then there’s the argument you will hear from the Twitter faithful about how great it is for traffic. Is it really? Not if you really think about it…
Say you have 1000 followers and you “tweet” your newest blog post in hopes that your followers will go check it out. Chances are most of them won’t be on Twitter at the time you tweet it so hardly any of them will see your tweet anyway. However, let’s be really conservative and say half of them are on, so 500 might see it.
Now, most of the remaining 500 are probably following hundreds, if not thousands, of other people, so your tweet will most likely be pushed down almost instantly and very few of them will see it. But let’s be really conservative again and say half of them do see your tweet. We are down to 250 now.
This could go on and on but let’s estimate highly again and say that 10% of the remaining 250 actually do click the link to go to your blog post. You just go a whopping 25 visitors! And probably none of them will actually be targeted visitors that will do anything to actually make you money once they are at your blog.
However, I am feeling generous so let’s say you have Adsense displayed on your blog and normally get a 5% click through rate. Well, 5% of 25 is 1.25 – so you would get just one click. If you’re lucky, you might make 10 cents or so. In reality you probably wouldn’t make anything though because “social traffic” rarely clicks on ads, and traffic from Twitter is considered social traffic.
So, can you make money from Twitter? I doubt it! And even if you do there’s a strong chance you could have made a lot more by using other internet marketing techniques instead.
If you don’t want to take my word for it then give it a try and see how it works for you. If you do figure out how to make money on Twitter then I would love to hear how. Just don’t waste too much of your time trying!
Let me end by stating that I am not saying you shouldn’t use Twitter. I get on there almost every day so that would be very hypocritical of me. It does have some advantages and there are several tools you can use to automate it so you don’t waste all your time there.
The point I am trying to get across is that you shouldn’t be spending too much time on Twitter because it’s really not very productive for your business. There are many other ways to make money that are much better than Twitter and several marketing methods that will bring you a lot more traffic.
By the way, since we’re on the subject of Twitter… You can follow me @trentab to get real tips on how to make money online.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Top 5 Reasons To Use Bing
Written by Abdulrehman on June 6th, 2009
With all the negative reviews coming everywhere about Bing, I thought of doing a positive one. I mean, give the new search engine a chance. Despite the fact that bing.com currently has a compete rank of 818,472 which is even lower than mine but that search engine just launched on 28th May. There are two vivid reasons for people not liking Bing.
Firstly, they still have live search in mind so they think that Bing is no different. Secondly, people have forgotten about searching, they’re too busy googling. So when a new search engine takes on searching, they can’t accept to search when they’re having so much fun googling.
I use Google pretty much every day. Around 40-50 times on an average but that doesn’t mean that I get too accustomed to Google and wouldn’t even have the courtesy to try another search engine. Might sound lame to loyal Google supporters but the following are five reasons why you should give Bing a chance.
#1 - Bing Saves A Lot Of Time
This screen shot became popular on Digg somewhere around 3 days ago. Although the picture speaks for itself, I’ll just say that you don’t see this on Google normally. This is an extreme plus point for Bing users.
#2 - Bing Knows How To Answer Questions
Just because of the small new feature of Bing of being able to display extra information really gives them an upper hand. They really did work on their algorithm which now produces great results if you type in questions. After looking at these pictures below you might say: “Use the define syntax instead”. For your information, the define tag works on both but more than 95% of Google users wouldn’t even know what a define tag is.
#3 - Bing Doesn’t Rely On 10 Year Old Designs
I started using the internet back in 1999. Ever since, I’ve seen Google with the exact same design. They may have added new features every now and then but they have the same faded design. Although I didn’t like their design at first and said “If you ever start a search engine try not to display your knowledge of renewable energy resources like windmills and solar panels“.
I had to change my opinion because that’s dynamic and it changes every day (so far). Moreover, if you hover over the image, at different positions there are some facts that you might want to know. It’s helpful, you can learn a few things everyday. This might be in counter to Google Doodles but I find this one much more useful. After all, this is Web 2.0. you have to keep up.
I’m not saying that Google’s interface is not good, in fact they have one of the most user-friendly interfaces on the web right now because of the simplicity of the design. But some things have to change. Like, when was the last time you used the ‘I’m feeling Lucky!’ button?
#4 - You Don’t Have To Go To Bing ‘Hot Trends’
If you’re an internet marketer, you must be aware of Google hot trends. It basically shows you what’s hot on the web right now or on a more marketer’s approach: It shows you which keywords are being searched the most right now. However, following the idea from Twitter, Bing also shows what’s popular or in other words: Which keywords are being searched the most. Unlike Google, Bing makes it more easy to see what’s popular and more people get to see what’s going on.
#5 - Bing Allows Feedback
“So, Google supporter. When was the last time you got help from google when you needed it?”. Whether that be a search problem, requesting a new feature or whatever, you need to have a feedback form. If you tell me: “Google has so many users, they can’t afford to have a support team answering thousands of mails a day”, I’ll say: “The former number 1 company in the U.S. and the current number 4 company in the U.S. can’t afford to have a feedback form and support staff with that? They have billions in profits every year, squeezing out a million for support will not hurt a bit.”.
Leave that, Google doesn’t even provide a proper contact form for users of Blogger and Orkut. Remember when they disabled my blogger account, and unfortunately I couldn’t even contact them. But wait. I forgot, you actually can contact Google. Why don’t you send them a fax at +1 650-253-0001? Pretty user friendly right?
Now let’s switch the whole scenario to Bing. Even though they don’t have other services yet, they’re providing a feedback form to any user. Moreover, it is at the front page. I found it hard to believe and got to them with a stupid question. I check after 30 minutes and I have a reply. A useful reply to what I was asking by the Bing support team. Can you challenge this?
Hope that helps change the image of Bing in your mind a little bit and you might give it a try. Take a tour of Bing and I’m sure you’ll find it useful to some extent. In fact, it is already catching fire, stat counter shows that it took a jump ahead Yahoo! in the market share and that was because of a decrease in the market share of Google! By the way, I might have sounded biased on Bing’s side but this was not a sponsored review!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Ways To Earn Extra Money Online
I have no idea about the difference between earn money and make money. But I thought that earn money would better suit this article. To me earn money is something where you put hard work and actually work for someone to earn money whereas that’s not the actual case. Anyways, I’ll get the valuable information rolling for you to make money.
As my about page suggests, I have been into earning money almost all my life. Though my life has so far been only of 16 years but I can skillfully make use of that experience to find good ways to earn extra money online. Of course, I have had hurdles whenever I wanted to earn money. At times it was my age, at other times it was the limitations of the country I live in and at other times it was just a lack of money needed.
After a lot of trial and error I have in fact earned extra money. So the first thing you need to understand is that I’m talking about earning extra money. The difference is that earning extra money is the extra chunks of cash that can supplement your income. Not to be your basic source of income, although you may refer to the last lines of the article. The main feature of making extra money is that it doesn’t involve loads of hard work or knowledge.
Using Ebay To Earn Extra Money
When it comes to earn extra money the first thing that ever came into my mind was Ebay. So how you make money with ebay is pretty darn simple. To sum it up in 13 words: Ebay is an online marketplace where you can buy and sell products online. You can earn extra money with ebay by just selling off items in your house that are no longer in use. Not only can you make extra money but you might as well pull in your entire income with this way.on
Using Paid To Click Websites To Earn Extra Money
Though I do not recommend to rely on this as a permanent or reliable source of extra money but the only reason I’m recommending it now is because it is really easy. You can read my review about using it to making money on the internet. You can also read reviews about bux.to and clixsense which are two good recommended paid to click websites.
Providing Easy Services To Earn Extra Money
There is a whole list of services you could provide to people but listed below are the most easiest and the highest returns compared to the work you put into it:
- Write Articles: If you’re a good writer you can write then you can easily pull in a few hundred dollars a month. You can usually make up to $5 per article which is usually 500+ words and unique. You can contact webmasters on forums to let them know about your services.
- Acquiring Tedious Jobs: Many times I’ve seen threads in forums put up by webmasters offering money to people for doing some tedious jobs. It might include copy/pasting stuff or editing loads of documents. There are mostly some of these jobs available in the forums and you can check them out by visiting famous forums like digital point.
- Blog Commenting: As we webmasters know, blog commenting can be quite useful in a website’s growth and hence many webmasters also look for ways to outsource this. You can usually put up a thread telling about your services and charge fees like $10 for 20 comments or similar. It shouldn’t be hard to get in some extra 30 dollars a month.
- Promotion Services: Recently after the use of twitter grew I’ve been seeing many people trying to make profits. This is among the best ways to make extra money. Example: Andrew has a twitter profile has around 5000 followers all targeted in the sports niche and he is active and so is his following. Andrew goes to a forum and offers a 1 line review plus link to a website in the sports niche for $50. Andrew gets a couple of requests a month and makes around $500 per month easily.
- Contest Participating: You might want to check in for contests which are always running around the web. Recently, I saw one for $500 and an iPod Nano. Which is not a bad thing at all if you see the easy thing you have to do to be entered as a participant.
The list goes on and in fact I have way more than just those listed. But I tried to keep the list open to anyone. It can help anyone make some extra money. I also tried to make sure it did not involve any costs and most importantly was extremely easy to apply and get it working. If you have any more really easy ways to earn extra money then let me know and if it’s good enough you might get credit for it.
Take initiative on the list and I will not be surprised if you came back after a few months telling me that you’re making an extra $500 per month. This may prove to be even more beneficial to those people who keep checking their Adsense accounts every hour just to find that they earned $0.01 today. Now you’ve learned how to make extra money, it’s time to act. Get a hold of yourself as well as this list and get going!
Ways To Earn Extra Money Online
I have no idea about the difference between earn money and make money. But I thought that earn money would better suit this article. To me earn money is something where you put hard work and actually work for someone to earn money whereas that’s not the actual case. Anyways, I’ll get the valuable information rolling for you to make money.
As my about page suggests, I have been into earning money almost all my life. Though my life has so far been only of 16 years but I can skillfully make use of that experience to find good ways to earn extra money online. Of course, I have had hurdles whenever I wanted to earn money. At times it was my age, at other times it was the limitations of the country I live in and at other times it was just a lack of money needed.
After a lot of trial and error I have in fact earned extra money. So the first thing you need to understand is that I’m talking about earning extra money. The difference is that earning extra money is the extra chunks of cash that can supplement your income. Not to be your basic source of income, although you may refer to the last lines of the article. The main feature of making extra money is that it doesn’t involve loads of hard work or knowledge.
Using Ebay To Earn Extra Money
When it comes to earn extra money the first thing that ever came into my mind was Ebay. So how you make money with ebay is pretty darn simple. To sum it up in 13 words: Ebay is an online marketplace where you can buy and sell products online. You can earn extra money with ebay by just selling off items in your house that are no longer in use. Not only can you make extra money but you might as well pull in your entire income with this way.on
Using Paid To Click Websites To Earn Extra Money
Though I do not recommend to rely on this as a permanent or reliable source of extra money but the only reason I’m recommending it now is because it is really easy. You can read my review about using it to making money on the internet. You can also read reviews about bux.to and clixsense which are two good recommended paid to click websites.
Providing Easy Services To Earn Extra Money
There is a whole list of services you could provide to people but listed below are the most easiest and the highest returns compared to the work you put into it:
- Write Articles: If you’re a good writer you can write then you can easily pull in a few hundred dollars a month. You can usually make up to $5 per article which is usually 500+ words and unique. You can contact webmasters on forums to let them know about your services.
- Acquiring Tedious Jobs: Many times I’ve seen threads in forums put up by webmasters offering money to people for doing some tedious jobs. It might include copy/pasting stuff or editing loads of documents. There are mostly some of these jobs available in the forums and you can check them out by visiting famous forums like digital point.
- Blog Commenting: As we webmasters know, blog commenting can be quite useful in a website’s growth and hence many webmasters also look for ways to outsource this. You can usually put up a thread telling about your services and charge fees like $10 for 20 comments or similar. It shouldn’t be hard to get in some extra 30 dollars a month.
- Promotion Services: Recently after the use of twitter grew I’ve been seeing many people trying to make profits. This is among the best ways to make extra money. Example: Andrew has a twitter profile has around 5000 followers all targeted in the sports niche and he is active and so is his following. Andrew goes to a forum and offers a 1 line review plus link to a website in the sports niche for $50. Andrew gets a couple of requests a month and makes around $500 per month easily.
- Contest Participating: You might want to check in for contests which are always running around the web. Recently, I saw one for $500 and an iPod Nano. Which is not a bad thing at all if you see the easy thing you have to do to be entered as a participant.
The list goes on and in fact I have way more than just those listed. But I tried to keep the list open to anyone. It can help anyone make some extra money. I also tried to make sure it did not involve any costs and most importantly was extremely easy to apply and get it working. If you have any more really easy ways to earn extra money then let me know and if it’s good enough you might get credit for it.
Take initiative on the list and I will not be surprised if you came back after a few months telling me that you’re making an extra $500 per month. This may prove to be even more beneficial to those people who keep checking their Adsense accounts every hour just to find that they earned $0.01 today. Now you’ve learned how to make extra money, it’s time to act. Get a hold of yourself as well as this list and get going!